Here is a small series of objects used for food transformation within Spanish prisons. The focus on objects reinterpreted for culinary uses within cells has once again been an important subject of investigation. The inmates of this second phase are not allowed to buy basic kitchen tools so the food transformation processes which occurred in phase 1 do not reemerge here. Instead, the panorama of objects is limited to a few plastic utensils from the world of camping. Despite this, a whole slew of object are used for the transformation of the limited food that can be bought. After considering the objects allowed in Spanish prison cells, the creators decided to develop an audio piece, Retomar Sonidos (Take-back sounds), reproducing some of the familiar sounds from the traditional kitchen world –sounds which do not exist in the penitentiary– using the same objects that can be found within the cells. Here is the audio-video piece that was produced (for a better sound, headphones are recommended). This video winned the 15th Amposta Biennal (Spain) and now is part of the Lo Pati Art Center collection. retomar sonidos, 2016 [trailer] see also the backstage >>
| plastic spoon | plastic bawl | small plastic battle | plastic glass | plastic forc | toothbrush and small bucket | nail-clipping |